After completing the application in CCCApply, students who provided information regarding the highest level English and math completed in high school will receive an email to their Solano email address with information about suggested college-level math and English courses to take.
Please note: AB 705 requires that colleges maximize the probability that students will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in English and quantitative reasoning/mathematics within a one-year timeframe.
If you would like to learn more about AB 705 the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office has created a video: Know Your Rights: The AB 705 Initiative and What it Means for Students.
Math Placement Students entering Solano Community College are minimally eligible to take the following transfer or one level below transfer math courses, regardless of prior math experience (please see the catalog and/or a counselor for specific guidance based on your career and educational goal):
Math 011 – Statistics (with or without a co-requisite lab based on High School GPA)
Math 012 – Mathematical Ideas (with or without a co-requisite lab based on High School GPA)
English Placement Students entering Solano Community College are minimally eligible to take the following transfer level English course, with or without co-requisite lab based on High School GPA and Jr/Sr English grade:
English 001 – College Composition
English 001 with English 310D – College Composition with Advanced English Skills Lab